Sunday, March 30, 2008

Happy Trails

During the kids recent Spring Break I took them horseback riding in Hot Springs. They rode ahead of me and I was in the back on a spirited mare who kept trying to break out of line. I took a little video to share, take into account that I did it while riding a horse and with one hand!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Traditions

We go to Mom and Dad's every year for Easter weekend. The kids dye eggs, they discover their baskets Easter morning, we get dressed up for church, then have lunch together. I believe it is important to give the kids this tradition. It's amazing how fast a year passes. Some day these opp ortunities will be gone, so I cherish these times. Last year Mom and Dad were in Europe and we missed getting together. It just wasn't the same. Here are some pictures from last weekend and Easters past.







Friday, March 21, 2008

I've got the world on a string...

Hubby and I celebrated our anniversary this month by having a delicious dinner at the Terrace and catching Micheal Buble in concert. It was a wonderful evening. Grant took our picture before we went out, and I caught a little video clip during the concert.

Spring Snow

We have had some weird weather lately, one day it is warm and sunny, the next we get several inches of snow. We've been fortunate to not have tornados or floods like other parts of the state though. The kids had lots of fun along with their neighborhood friends, and they missed two days of school!