Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving weekend is winding down. I worked Thanksgiving day and had lunch with my hospital family then had dinner with husbands, the kids, brother and Mom and Dad. C cooked turkey, dressing, carrots, potatoes, green bean casserole and pumpkin pie. It was delicious!

The next day Brother and family joined us and we feasted on shrimp gumbo and LSU Tigers! (See below) We had such a great time.

Yesterday we went to a local tree farm and cut down our Christmas tree. We usually get a precut tree, but this year we wanted to try it this way. We bundled up and took Spike along.

1 comment:

Suzy said...

Hey Lo,

Cool pics. It must be cold up in there!!! I wish I could say that I give a s--- about the LSU/ARK game though I do not. I'm surely not one to partake of the mainstream things that most folks find pertinent to a full and complete life. I am grateful that you all had such a good time watching the game. Wish we could've been there with y'all--though I would've been on the porch smoking cigarettes the whole time. :0) Talk soon and thanks for inviting me to your blog. THIS IS MY FIRST TIME BLOGGING. I'VE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE. MY BLOGGING VIRGINITY IS HISTORY.